Official Rules



Registrations for the tournament are open from 16 SEPTEMBER 2024 to 30 NOVEMBER 2024 by completing the form available online on the official website of the tournament. You will then receive an email confirming that pre-registration has been completed.
Within 5 DAYS of receiving the email confirming that pre-registration has been completed, the club must send proof of payment (including the CRO reference number) of the registration fee to the IBAN address indicated in the confirmation email.

IMPORTANT: Failure to receive proof of payment within this deadline will result in the cancellation of the registration. Verification of payment will be followed by the registration confirmation email.

REGISTRATION FEE: the registration fee for each club is equal to:
- in the case of registration of a single team 220 euros;
- in the case of registration of two teams 400 euros;
- in the case of registration of three teams 540 euros;
- in case of registration of four 660 euros;
- in case of registration of more than four teams send an email to

It is possible, for a company, to register more than one team within the same category (providing different names in order to distinguish the teams). Please remember that it is not possible to have the same athlete play in two different teams within the same category.

Each registration fee includes:

The T-shirts and the packed lunch will be delivered ONLY to the members of CAMP3. A packed lunch is not provided for the companions (with the exception of foreign teams).
IMPORTANT: the packed lunch for January 5th is paid for by the participating companies, with the exception of the finalist and foreign teams.


All participating teams must send, no later than December 20, 2024, the documents listed below to the email address

  • Privacy document provided upon registration confirmation, filled out in all its fields and signed;
  • CAMP3 with ALL the athletes (minimum 7 players) who are part of the total roster that will participate in the tournament, made directly on the Federation's online website and manually adding the names of the athletes borrowed from other Clubs (attaching the loan sheet signed by the president of the Club that owns the athlete's membership), the name of the coaches and bench managers;
  • MANAGER RESPONSIBLE FOR THE TEAM present at the Tournament (IMPORTANT: all communications from Bear Wool Volley will be made ONLY to this person) with SURNAME, NAME and mobile number;
  • DEFIBRILLATOR OPERATOR must be MANDATORY for EACH TEAM, report SURNAME, NAME and mobile number;
  • ALLERGIES/INTOLERANCES: Report if there are allergies and/or intolerances in the team via the form received by email.


Only F.I.P.A.V.-affiliated clubs may participate.

Temporary loans of players between clubs are permitted for the duration of the Tournament, provided that they are always regularly registered players and under the full responsibility of the clubs holding the membership. In this case, a copy of the authorization from the transferring Club must be submitted.

An Athlete in the Tournament can only play for one Club.
Athletes from the same Club can participate in multiple categories.

No changes to matches are foreseen for any overlaps between categories.
Participating teams must have a MINIMUM OF 7 PLAYERS registered on the scoresheet.

Net height for the various categories:

  • UNDER 14 F 2.15
  • UNDER 15 M 2.35
  • UNDER 16 F 2.24
  • UNDER 17 M 2.43
  • UNDER 18 F 2.24
  • UNDER 19 M 2.43

General rules:

  • In all categories, the use of the first and second libero is permitted.
  • Teams must show up 30 MINUTES BEFORE each match as per the calendar.
  • The organization can decide to change the order and the playing fields if it deems it necessary at its sole discretion.
  • Teams must organize themselves for travel between gyms and hotels with their own means.
  • The final tournament competition calendar will be available on the first day of the tournament start.
  • All tournament competitions will last 2 sets out of 3 (25 RPS points, possible third set at 15 RPS points). In the event of a tie of 24 or 14, the advantages will be decided.
  • Please note that the general F.I.P.A.V. regulation will be used for the rules of the game.
  • First touch in reception is free for all categories.
  • All matches will be refereed by F.I.P.A.V. referees.
  • For the purposes of the ranking, 3 points will be awarded for a 2-0 victory, 2 points for a 2-1 victory, 1 point for a 1-2 defeat and 0 points for a 0-2 defeat.
  • In the event of a tie in the group, the following will be considered:
  • number of victories,
  • set quotient,
  • points quotient,
  • direct clash.
  • Each team must provide warm-up balls. Bear Wool Volley will provide ONLY 2 match balls for each playing field.
  • The opening of the tournament, the party evening and the awards ceremony are an integral part of the event, therefore all clubs must be present.
  • The organization declines all responsibility in the event of events or accidents that occur before, during or after the event, except as provided for by the insurance part of the cards of its own federation F.I.P.A.V.; including theft or damage to objects.

4. Women U14 (10 teams)

  • All qualifying matches will last 2 out of 3 SETS (third set 15 points with draw and change of sides at a score of 8).
  • The use of LIBERO is permitted (2 for each team).
  • First touch in reception libero.
  • Minimum number of guaranteed matches: 5
  • 2 groups of 5 teams will be formed with one-way matches, at the end of the first phase, the ranking for each group will be drawn up from 1st to 5th place.
  • The teams classified from 1st to 4th place will cross paths with the other group generating QUARTER-FINALS and SEMI-FINALS.
  • The teams in 5th place will go directly to the final 9th/10th place.
  • On the third day all the finals from 1st to 10th place will be played.
  • The program of the day of the finals - January 5th - may be modified at the discretion of Bear Wool Volley for logistical-organizational needs.
  • The facilities where the first day's matches will be held will be confirmed and communicated on the official website of the Tournament and/or during check-in.
  • Each team must provide warm-up balls. Bear Wool Volley will provide ONLY 2 match balls for each facility.
  • If you reach the final 1st and 2nd place you must re-enter CAMP3 (so please keep a spare).

5. Women U16 (20 teams)

  • All qualifying matches will be 2 out of 3 SETS (third set 15 points with toss and change of ends at 8).
  • The use of LIBERO is permitted (2 for each team).
  • First touch in reception libero.
  • Minimum number of guaranteed matches: 6
  • 4 groups of 5 teams will be formed with one-way matches and then the rankings will be drawn up for each group.
  • The teams classified in 1st and 2nd place in each group will advance to play QUARTER-PARTS, SEMI-FINALS and FINALS for 1st to 8th place.
  • The teams classified in 3rd and 4th place in each group will advance to play QUARTER-PARTS, SEMI-FINALS and FINALS for 9th to 16th place.
  • The teams classified in 5th place in each group will advance to play SEMI-FINALS and FINALS for 17th to 20th place.
  • On the second day of competitions the teams will play QUARTER-FINALS and SEMI-FINALS while on the third day all the finals from 1st to 20th place will be played.
  • The program of the finals day - January 5th - may be modified at the discretion of Bear Wool Volley for logistical-organizational needs.
  • The facilities where the first day's matches will be played will be confirmed and communicated on the official website of the Tournament and/or during check-in.
  • Each team must provide warm-up balls. Bear Wool Volley will provide ONLY 2 match balls for each facility.
  • If you reach the finals 1st and 2nd place you must re-enter CAMP3 (so please keep a spare).

6. Women U18 (20 teams)

  • All qualifying matches will be 2 out of 3 SETS (third set 15 points with toss and change of ends at 8).
  • The use of LIBERO is permitted (2 for each team).
  • First touch in reception libero.
  • Minimum number of guaranteed matches: 6
  • 4 groups of 5 teams will be formed with one-way matches and then the rankings will be drawn up for each group.
  • The teams classified in 1st and 2nd place in each group will advance to play QUARTER-PARTS, SEMI-FINALS and FINALS for 1st to 8th place.
  • The teams classified in 3rd and 4th place in each group will advance to play QUARTER-PARTS, SEMI-FINALS and FINALS for 9th to 16th place.
  • The teams classified in 5th place in each group will advance to play SEMI-FINALS and FINALS for 17th to 20th place.
  • On the second day of competitions the teams will play QUARTER-FINALS and SEMI-FINALS while on the third day all the finals from 1st to 20th place will be played.
  • The program of the finals day - January 5th - may be modified at the discretion of Bear Wool Volley for logistical-organizational needs.
  • The facilities where the first day's matches will be played will be confirmed and communicated on the official website of the Tournament and/or during check-in.
  • Each team must provide warm-up balls. Bear Wool Volley will provide ONLY 2 match balls for each facility.
  • If you reach the finals 1st and 2nd place you must re-enter CAMP3 (so please keep a spare).

7. Men U15 (10 teams)

  • All qualifying matches will last 2 out of 3 SETS (third set 15 points with draw and change of sides at a score of 8).
  • The use of LIBERO is permitted (2 for each team).
  • First touch in reception libero.
  • Minimum number of guaranteed matches: 5
  • 2 groups of 5 teams will be formed with one-way matches, at the end of the first phase, the ranking for each group will be drawn up from 1st to 5th place.
  • The teams classified from 1st to 4th place will cross paths with the other group generating QUARTER-FINALS and SEMI-FINALS.
  • The teams in 5th place will go directly to the final 9th/10th place.
  • On the third day all the finals from 1st to 10th place will be played.
  • The program of the day of the finals - January 5th - may be modified at the discretion of Bear Wool Volley for logistical-organizational needs.
  • The facilities where the first day's matches will be held will be confirmed and communicated on the official website of the Tournament and/or during check-in.
  • Each team must provide warm-up balls. Bear Wool Volley will provide ONLY 2 match balls for each facility.
  • If you reach the final 1st and 2nd place you must re-enter CAMP3 (so please keep a spare).

8. Men U17 (15 teams)

  • All qualifying matches will last 2 out of 3 SETS (third set 15 points with draw and change of sides at a score of 8).
  • The use of LIBERO is permitted (2 for each team).
  • First touch in reception libero.
  • Minimum number of guaranteed matches: 5
  • 3 groups of 5 teams will be formed with one-way matches, at the end of the first phase, the independent ranking will be drawn up between all the groups.
    • The teams classified from 1st to 8th place in the independent ranking will go on to play QUARTER-MATCHES, SEMI-FINALS and FINALS of the winners' group (for 1st - 8th place).
    • The teams classified from 9th to 12th place in the independent ranking will go on to play SEMI-FINALS and FINALS of the losers' group (for 9th - 12th place).
    • The teams classified from 13th to 15th place will form a group with one-way matches that will determine the 13th/14th/15th place in the final ranking.
  • On the third day, all the finals from 1st to 10th will be played.- On the third day all the finals from 1st to 10th place will be played.
  • The program of the day of the finals - January 5th - may be modified at the discretion of Bear Wool Volley for logistical-organizational needs.
  • The facilities where the first day's matches will be held will be confirmed and communicated on the official website of the Tournament and/or during check-in.
  • Each team must provide warm-up balls. Bear Wool Volley will provide ONLY 2 match balls for each facility.
  • If you reach the final 1st and 2nd place you must re-enter CAMP3 (so please keep a spare).

9. Men U19 (14 teams)

  • All qualifying matches will be 2 out of 3 SETS (third set 15 points with draw and change of ends at 8).
  • The use of LIBERO is permitted (2 for each team).
  • First touch in reception libero.
  • Minimum number of guaranteed matches: 5
  • 2 groups of 4 teams and 2 groups of 3 teams will be formed with one-way matches. At the end of the first phase, the ranking for each group will be drawn up.
  • The teams classified in 1st and 2nd place of each initial group (8 teams in total) will be divided into two "Gold" groups of 4 teams:
    • Group 1 Gold: 1st Group A / 2nd Group B / 1st Group C / 2nd Group D
    • Group 2 Gold: 2nd Group A / 1st Group B / 2nd Group C / 1st Gr. D
      • The top two teams in the Gold groups will advance to play the SEMI-FINALS and FINALS for 1st to 4th place.
      • The bottom two teams in the Gold groups will advance to play the SEMI-FINALS and FINALS for 5th to 8th place.
    • The teams ranked 3rd and 4th in each initial group (6 teams in total) will be divided into two silver groups of 3 teams:
      • Silver Group 1: 3rd Gr. A / 4th Gr. C / 3rd Gr. D
      • Silver Group 2: 3rd Gr. B / 3rd Gr. C / 4th Gr. D
      • The teams ranked first in the Silver groups will advance directly to the 9th/10th place final.
      • The teams ranked in second place in the Silver groups will go directly to the 11th/12th place final.
      • The teams ranked in third place in the Silver groups will go directly to the 13th/14th place final.
  • On the third day, all the finals from 1st to 14th will be played.
  • The program of the finals day - January 5th - may be modified at the discretion of Bear Wool Volley for logistical-organizational needs.
  • The facilities where the matches of the first day will be played will be confirmed and communicated on the official website of the Tournament and/or during check-in.
  • Each team must provide warm-up balls. Bear Wool Volley will provide ONLY 2 match balls for each facility.
  • If you reach the 1st and 2nd place final, you must re-enter CAMP3 (so please keep a spare).

10. Special Olympics (8 teams)

  • For all qualifying matches, the divisioning phase is planned in groups, with a game formula of 2 fixed SETS.
  • The height of the net is 2.43 meters for the men's/mixed group; 2.24 meters for any women's group.
  • Minimum number of guaranteed matches: 7.
  • The use of LIBERO is permitted.
  • At the end of the divisioning, 2 groups will be formed with a formula of 2 out of 3 SETS (third set 15 points with draw). The number of teams will vary based on the divisioning evaluation.
  • The program of the finals day - January 5 - may be modified at the discretion of Bear Wool Volley for logistical-organizational needs.
  • The facilities where the matches of the first day will be played will be confirmed and communicated on the official website of the Tournament and/or during check-in.
  • For the remaining general regulations, the Special Olympics Unified Volleyball regulations available on the SOI portal apply.